Grodzisko, obiekt 41, wykop 33b, warstwa 4,
Chronologia: koniec XV – połowa XVIII w.
Pierwotnie szczątki szkieletów dwóch osobników datowano na podstawie kryteriów archeologicznych na połowę IX i początek X w. (por. Szmyt i Pawlak 2009). Jednak datowanie radiowęglowe C14 wykazało, że materiał pochodzi z różnych okresów, tj. z późnego średniowiecza i wczesnej nowożytności.
Chronologia C14 pierwszego osobnika (samica): 265 ± 30 lat p.n.e., Poz-128596;
prawdopodobieństwo 68,20%: 1528 r. (20,6%) 1552 r.; 1633 r. (43,0%) 1663 r.; 1787 r. (4,7%) 1793 r.; prawdopodobieństwo 95,40%: 1513AD (36,4%) 1592AD; 1619 r. (49,6%) 1670 r.; 1779 r. (9,5%) 1799 r.;
Chronologia C14 drugiego osobnika (samiec): 68,20% prawdopodobieństwa: 350 ± 30 BP, Poz-140730; 1479 r. (30,2%) 1523 r., 1573 r. (38,0%) 1629 r.;
Prawdopodobieństwo 95,40%: 1461 r. (39,7%) 1530 r., 1539 r. (55,7%) 1636 r. n.e.
Literatura: Makowiecki 2019a; Szmyt & Pawlak 2019 i ten projekt.
Inv. No. |
Anatomical element |
Descriptions and biometrical data |
The first individual, female aged 17-18 years, coat colour bay |
740/16 |
Skull |
1 |
whole skull (heavily damaged, glued together during laboratory work), smooth surface; light brown colour; no scratches, no traces of anthropogenic origin, no predator activity; straight nuchal crest; female, visible overgrown sockets of vestigial canines, preserved right and left incisors I1, longitudinal-triangular cross-section of the tooth, 17-18-year-old individual, mechanical damage during excavation, as a result of which the facial part was separated from the braincase; WH (cm) – 129.1 |
742/16 737/16 |
Mandible |
2 |
whole mandible (right and left), very severe wear of the lower tooth M3 ¬ its crown is almost completely worn; vestigial canines visible in the sockets |
737/16 |
Skull |
1 |
fragments from the area of the braincase and the right temporal bone |
739/16 |
Lower teeth |
1 |
right P2 |
742/16 |
Axis |
1 |
whole |
742/16 |
Cervical vertebrae |
1 |
III, whole |
740/16 |
Cervical vertebrae |
2 |
++, probably IV and V, complete; slight degeneration in the form of small bony growths on the articular processes |
738/16 |
Cervical vertebrae |
1 |
++ |
738/16 |
Cervical vertebrae |
1 |
++; probably from the first individual, whole |
738/16 |
Lumbar vertebrae |
1 |
++; probably from the first individual, whole |
740/16 |
Pelvis |
1 |
left almost whole, female; predator tooth marks on the ischium |
742/16 |
Pelvis |
1 |
left, female |
∑ |
12 |
The second individual, male, aged 3 years and 8 months, coat colour bay |
741/16 |
Skull |
1 |
the skull in situ whole, it broke into many fragments during excavation; tooth P3 grown in the initial stage of crown abrasion, Pd4 in the final stage of use, pushed out by the growing P4; tooth M3 pierced the gum line, teeth I1 erupted – in the initial stage of abrasion |
The first or the second individual |
737/16 |
Ribs |
1 |
737/16 |
Calcaneus |
1 |
left, a tubercle bitten off by a predator |
Dąbrówka, site 2. Skeletal deposit of two horses (male and female) in situ (photo by P. Pawlak)