Górzyca, stan. 20. Cmentarz. Grób konia. Cecha 420, nr inw. nr 667/09/1 (ryc. 11).
Chronologia: X w. – początek XI w.; 14C: 1080 ± 30 lat temu, Poz-72799; Prawdopodobieństwo 68,20%:
898 r. (20,6%) 920 r.; 956 r. (38,3%) 996 r.; 1005AD (9,4%) 1016AD;
prawdopodobieństwo 95,40%: 892AD (30,1%) 933AD; 940 r. (65,3%) 1022 r. [1].
Szkielet samca w wieku 13-14 lat, wysokość w kłębie 133–138,7 cm (średnio 136,8 cm), plamka kasztanowo-tobiano.
Referencja: Socha & Sójkowska-Socha2014; Makowiecki 2023e i ten projekt.
Anatomical element |
Descriptions and biometrical data |
Skull |
1 |
damaged; well-preserved braincase, basal part and right and left maxillary bones with incisors; canines worn halfway–flat surface; other parts of the skull preserved in fragments–the temporal bone, facial and jaw areas; visible root of the wolf tooth in the left socket and almost grown right tooth socket in the place of the wolf tooth; pathological changes on the left M1 – pronounced depressions in the rubbing surface; right P-M = 155.4; LM = 73.3; left: LP = 82.3; LM = 73.9; hM1 = 24.6 |
Mandible |
1 |
left, visible traces of weathering on the cheek side, smooth cheek side with negative plant roots; almost entirely preserved, mainly the diaphysis and fragments from the area of the incisors and the angle of the mandible; canine root pathological changes, strong perforation of the surface, complete incisors, deformed I3 root and degeneration; slight degeneration on the bones behind M3, LP-M = 153.6, LP = 78, LM = 76.2 |
Mandible |
1 |
right, buccal side smooth, lingual side more brown in colour and slight traces of weathering; almost completely preserved, mainly the diaphysis and fragments of the incisal area and the angle, degeneration on the bone past M3, incisors complete, anterior edge of P2 with a slight arcuate notch visible; tips of canines slightly reduced, LP-M = 153.3; LP = 78.2; LM = 78.2 |
Hyoid bone |
1 |
Hyoid bone |
4 |
Fragments of cartilage |
Atlas |
1 |
3 fragments |
Axis |
1 |
++ |
Cervical vertebrae |
5 |
preserved whole, ++ |
Cervical vertebrae |
1 |
spinous process with pathological changes |
Thoracic vertebrae |
2 |
over 10 years (++); on the spinous processes of the last thoracic vertebrae, slight degenerations – bone growths; both on the cranial and caudal margins; the last two thoracic vertebrae fused with articular processes |
Thoracic vertebrae |
14 |
Lumbar vertebrae |
6 |
++; visible quite advanced bone tissue production processes on the articular processes; |
Sacrum |
1 |
4 fragments |
Caudal vertebrae |
3 |
fragments |
Ribs |
49 |
small fragments from about 20 ribs |
Sternum |
1 |
4 fragments |
Scapula |
1 |
left, preserved in fragments; traces of intense weathering in the vicinity of the neck and supraacetabular nodule on both sides, especially on the cranial edge; SLC = 65; GLP = 95; LG = 44.5 |
Scapula |
1 |
right, preserved in fragments; a small spur on the supraacetabular tubercle; darker colour on the side; SLC = 64.9; GLP = 96.4 |
Humerus |
1 |
left, strong traces of weathering on the dorsal and lateral sides of the diaphysis; GL = 282.6; GLC = 274.4; Bp = 95.3; SD = 38.6; Bd = 78.6; WH = 133 cm |
Humerus |
1 |
right; GL = 283.9; GLC = 274.2; Bp = 97.2; SD = 36.4; Bd = 82.3; BT = 75; WH = 133.6 cm |
Radius & ulna |
1 |
left, ++; fused elbow tubercle; traces of intensive weathering in the central part of the diaphysis on the dorsal and lateral sides; GL = 334.5; Bp = 79.2; SD = 37; Bd = 74.6; WH = 137.8 cm |
Radius & ulna |
1 |
right, ++; fused elbow tubercle; slight traces of weathering in the upper part of the diaphysis from the dorsal and lateral sides; GL = 333.6; Bp = 79.4; SD = 39.3; Bd = 75.4; WH = 137.4 cm |
Carpal bones |
10 |
left and right |
Third metacarpal bone |
1 |
left; and bone II and IV not fused; GL = 225.3; Bp = 49.5; SD = 33.9; Bd = 50.3; WH = 138.7 cm |
Third metacarpal bone |
1 |
right; and bone IV not fused; GL = 224.5; Bp = 45.7; SD = 34.4; Bd = 52; WH = 138.3 cm |
Pelvis |
1 |
left, right; 9 fragments; LA = 65.5 (right); LA = 65.8 (left) |
Femur |
1 |
left, stronger traces of weathering from the medial and ventral sides; GLC = 347.2; Bp = 121.1; SD = 40.2; Bd = 93.3 |
Femur |
1 |
right, stronger traces of weathering from the medial and ventral sides; GL = 392.4; GLC = 347.7; Bp = 123.4; SD = 40.7; Bd = 92.2; WH = 137 cm |
Patella |
2 |
left and right |
Tibia |
1 |
left; GL = 350.6; Bp = 98.4; SD = 41.2; Bd = 71.5; WH = 138.2 cm |
Tibia |
1 |
right; Bd = 72.1 |
Tarsal bones |
5 |
left and right |
Calcaneus |
2 |
left and right, strong losses due to weathering on the tail edge |
Talus |
2 |
left and right |
Third metatarsal bone |
1 |
right; and bone II and IV not fused; GL = (261.5); Bp = 50.5; SD = 32.32; Bd = 49; WH = (136.7) cm |
Proximal phalanx ant. |
1 |
left; GL = 90; Bp = 59.8; SD = 38; Bd = 48.8; WH = 140.1 cm |
Proximal phalanx ant. |
1 |
right; GL = 88.7; Bp = 56; SD = 38.1; Bd = 48.3; WH = 138.1 cm |
Middle phalanx ant. |
1 |
left; GL = 50.2 |
Middle phalanx ant. |
1 |
right; GL = 49.2; Bp = 53.5; SD = 48.7 |
Distal phalanx ant. |
2 |
left and right |
Sesamoid bones |
5 |
proximal sesamoid bones |
∑ |
138 |
Unidentified |
500 |
about 500 fragments, mostly ribs and splinters of other bones, mostly flat |
Vertebrae |
12 |
spinous processes |
∑ |
650 |
[1] With the kind permission of Krzysztof Socha, Muzeum Twierdzy in Kostrzyn.
Górzyca, site 20. Skeletal deposit of horse – male; Feature 420 (Photo by K. Socha)